Many Shit Slams In Our Past!

Fishing can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it's not always about catching the biggest or most impressive fish. Sometimes, it's the unexpected catches that can make for a memorable day on the water. That's exactly what happened to Westa and his friends growing up in South Florida all the time!

Mato, Chisfer, Jaime, Kankang, Westa and Gregory Hampshire set out for a day of fishing as they had done many times before, hoping to catch some sport fish like a nice snapper or grouper, or hook into a snook or tarpon, then head on to the flats for a bonefish. They had their fishing gear ready and were feeling optimistic about their chances. However, things didn't go exactly as planned, and on this day, it was going to be Westa who was the lucky winner.

On his first cast into a mangrove canal behind a golf course, Westa felt a tug on his line and reeled in a decent Needlefish, almost a Hogfish, but not really that big. Although needlefish are common in the waters of Florida, anglers do not typically target them, but they are always around. Despite this, Westa was excited about his catch and felt like it was a great start to his day fishing in the swampy mangrove canals, and on the open water with his buds.

Not long after releasing the needlefish back into the water though, Westa felt another tug on his line after casting near a tidal creek. This time, he brought in a Blue Crab. What? While not a fish, blue crabs are a common sight in the shallow waters of Florida and are often caught by anglers using crab traps or netted at night with flash lights. Delish! However, it's rare to catch one on a fishing line. Lucky Wabesta!

Feeling even more elated after catching the crab, Westa and his friends continued to fish. Surely another live shrimp on his hook and a walk out to shallow water would do the trick. It wasn't long before he felt another tug on his line, and this time he had caught a Puffer-fish. Boom! Puffer-fish are never targeted by serious anglers because they are typically small and cute, and not considered a sport fish. They are still an interesting catch due to their unique appearance and ability to inflate them selves, and make fart noises of course. Something special was in the works for Westa.

It was long after catching that Puffer-fish, that we came to realize that Westa had unintentionally completed a “shit slam” that day, just as we all had done at some point or another in our lives there. A Shit Slam is a term used to describe catching three non-sport fish in one day. Although unintentional, Westa was thrilled back then with his achievement and felt like it made his day on the water with his buds even more memorable.

In the end, Westa and the guys may not have caught the sport fish they were hoping for, but they still had a great day on the water. Sometimes, it's the unexpected catches that can make for the most memorable experiences while fishing.

Westa was the luckiest fishing charm we ever knew.

Weh-Ta Weh-Ta Weh-Ta... I Win!

We love you guy!


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